Reduce Your Call
Center Turnover

Easily assess applicants' minimum required skills by replacing CV screening with realistic customer scenarios.

Why should you choose Caseflow?

Caseflow software enables a seamless case assessment and case-solving journey for companies and candidates. Combined with high-quality customised cases, it can help your organisation to:

Save precious time and reduce cost per hire

Uncover skills, attitude and situational judgement

Set expectations and unveil true motivation

Achieve Business Growth 

We help you translate the required hard and soft skills with the specific position into a customised and reusable case to ensure you attract top talent who will succeed in your company.

Reduce Employee Turnover 

The tasks associated with a specific position vary from company to company. Relevant cases help to find candidates who are both competent and motivated, minimising the risk of hiring mistakes.

Improve Candidate Experience 

Candidates want a seamless application process and a realistic job preview. Caseflow enables you to communicate clear expectations without creating inconvenient obstacles.